Monday, November 23, 2009

Wrong fault assesment by auto insurer

Have you been assessed "fault" in a motor vehicle collision and DO NOT agree? Have you been FORCED to accept this fault because you "do not" have the money to fight the Insurance Industry or the statute of limitations has run out? If you have gone through the proper channels like contacting the Ombudsmen or the FSCO, only to be met with resistance or been misinformed, or have been "ignored" by the Ministry of Transportation, then I propose we stand up and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

I am looking for people in Ontario, Canada who wish to speak out about it and possibly have it investigated. It is corruption! As a consumer of "no fault" insurance, we realize the affect it will have on our premiums. But is the Insurance Industry "trumping up" these fault assessments in order to raise your premiums? Are they working "with" the other Insurance Company to take the "path of least cost to either of them?"

The "fault determination rules" are very specific in assigning 0-100% fault and are not interpretive. They cannot be modified to fit an adjusters version of what happened.

If you truly believe that you were wrongfully assessed fault and as a result your premiums were significantly increased, please let me hear your story. I aim to do something about it! I have contacted W5 with my personal tragedy. If more people come forward demanding "answers" from our Government and an investigation into the "bad practice" behaviour of most, if not all, Insurance Companies, maybe we can come back at them with our own law suit.

At a time when we should be recovering from our injuries, I was forced to try and fight these greedy giants! Finding a lawyer to do this was even more difficult as they knew that they would be tied up in litigation for years. If you sue your Insurance Company for "bad faith," chances are that most of the legal costs would exceed the amount you can sue for! Nice racket we have going here.

But there is POWER in numbers. They can ignore me and my singular case, but when we present hundreds of such cases and DEMAND answers, we WILL get results.

Please contact me personally if you like at


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